Design does. For better and for worse

ooho! Skipping Rocks Lab

By Golan Levin (F.A.T. Lab) and Shawn Sims (Sy-Lab), 2012


The refugee nation flag. Yara Said

Pig 05049. Christien Meindertsma

Smart Citizen. Fab Lab

Futurecraft Tailored Fibre. Alexander Taylory Parley / Adidas

Follow. Creador: Daniel Armengol

Virtual X Kit. Marta Giralt

Design does. For better and for worse is an exhibition that collectively draws the boundaries of how design gives shape to the global challenges of our society, sometimes to improve things and sometimes the opposite. It is a project that aims to transcend the limits of space, time and conventional formats and which explores the responsibility design has in its impact on industry, human beings, social systems and cultural values. It also reflects on the role designers have and will have in the future as humanistic and strategic providers of solutions and / or agents of change.
The exhibition is based around a set of questions answered by 15 projects of local and international designers in response to today’s main challenges: sustainability, connectivity, marginalisation, consumerism, innovation, new materials and so on. It thereby seeks to establish a dialogue with the public, by encouraging participation and the generation of knowledge that nourishes the transdisciplinary practice of design.
It will act as a centre of operations linking an extensive programme of activities and initiatives.
Organised by: Museu del Disseny de Barcelona and Elisava Escola Universitària de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona
ELISAVA Research (Laura Clèries); Domestic Data Streamers (Pau Garcia i Dani Pearson)
Museu del Disseny de Barcelona
Free admission