Design for life. 99 projects for the real world


Design is an activity that has become fully part of our lives. We live in a world that is shaped largely by human effort and in which design is so present that it often becomes invisible until it ceases to work. However, design enables us to constantly, consistently, solve problems that generate great social impact. In this show, we focus on design that is expressly aimed at improving the lives of the users it is intended for, the environment in which it operates and the society to which it belongs.
To demonstrate the key role that design can play in providing solutions to everyday problems of different types, improving the welfare of citizens, both in our immediate context and in more distant geographical regions.


Oscar Guayabero




B floor


General admission: €4,4
Reduced admission: €3

Exhibition fields

  • Disseny per connectar

    La tecnologia digital ha democratitzat aspectes de la vida facilitant l’accés a les dades que genera la nostra activitat diària.

  • Disseny per educar

    L’ensenyament ha de ser molt més que la transmissió de coneixements.

  • Disseny per curar

    Encara hi ha molts aspectes de la sanitat en què equips pluridisciplinaris poden aportar millores substancials.

  • Disseny per protegir

    Hi ha situacions d’emergència que necessiten respostes eficients i ràpides.

  • Disseny i accessibilitat

    El disseny qualificat d’accessible se sol considerar un disseny per a minories, però darrerament és conegut com design for all.

  • Disseny i sostenibilitat

    Els nous valors de l’ecosostenibilitat són visibles en nombrosos projectes arreu del món, en pro de l’equilibri mediambiental.

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