Matter Matters. Designing with the world


Matter Matters is a project that uses the material nature of the pieces in the collection and innovative modern pieces to reflect on the major challenges facing current and future design at a time when a shortage of raw materials and the urgent need to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 have brought about a critical situation. This era forces us to undergo a major transition in terms of our relationship with material things, moving from a fundamentally extractivist model to one that is more regenerative in nature.

The exhibition examines the collection and juxtaposes it with the systems that organise the world through its material aspects, exploring the overlapping boundaries between design, ecology and geopolitics. Matter Matters is both a reflection on the current state of the world and a journey through the history of design in all its disciplines.


Olga Subirós


2nd floor


General: 6,20 €
Reduced: 4,20 €

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