Guided tours
Guided tour of the Museum-Apartment at the Casa Bloc, Dwelling 1/11
The Casa Bloc is a symbol of rationalist architecture in Barcelona.
More >Guided tours
Visita guiada gratuïta a les exposicions temporals
IV Jornada D-Generades: moda i masculinitats
13 / 02 / 2025Lectures, talks
Wet Conversations: Prototypes for intra-acting with water bodies
13 / 02 / 2025Lectures, talks
Parlem de... El saltiri barroc: el so de les capses policromades
Guided tours
De les cases barates del Bon Pastor a la Casa Bloc (1929-1936)
Dos conjunts d'habitatges coetanis, dues maneres d'entendre i donar resposta a la crisi de l'habitatge
More >Festivals
Dressing the Body. Silhouettes and fashion (1550-2015)
The exhibition Dressing the Body sets out to show how clothes modify the appearance of the body by way of actions that have alternately tended to compress it and liberate it, from the sixteenth century to the present.
More >Permanent
Common objects. Local stories, global discussions
Objects that are fragments of the collective memory
More >Permanent
The ocean speaks. New ecologies and new economies of the seas
How to Design a Revolution: The Chilean Road to Design
Collections objects
Getting here
Metro: Line 1 (Glòries)
Bus: Lines 7, 192, X1, H12, V23, N2, N7
Tram: T4, T5, T6 – Glòries
Bicing: Meridiana/Encants i Bolívia/Àvila
Car parks: BSM c. Badajoz, 168
Coordinates: 41.402451, 2.1880918